English Learners

April Dowling
Elementary EB Teacher
903-876-2214, Ext. 367
Chastity Wages
District EB/LPAC Coordinator
903-876-2214, Ext. 277
Carmen Delgado, M. Ed.
Bilingual/ESL Spanish
Regional EB Specialist
Joseph Pino, M.A.
Bilingual/ESL Spanish
Regional EB Specialist

The mission of the Frankston ISD ESL Program is to provide non-native speakers of English with a variety of language supports and instruction which can help them eliminate the linguistic barriers in achieving their academic, economic, and personal goals.
Vision Statement of the Frankston ISD ESL Program :
The vision of the Frankston ISD ESL Program is that by embracing all language learners through quality instruction, students are able to effectively communicate and learn using the English language.
What is an English Learner (EL)?
A student who is in the process of learning English and has another language as the primary language or home language.
LAS Links Battery of Assessments (Texas-dedicated site)
Content-based programming is provided to all EL students. Elementary students also provided small group interventions.
- Reach into Phonics
- TELPAS practicing (online and in-person)
- Flip grid
- Counselor conversations
Accommodations (not limited to)
- Pictures
- Signs in both languages (example- red/rojo)
- Word-to- Word Spanish to English Dictionary
- Oral administration
- Extra time
- Content Language Supports (online only)