Military-Connected Students
District Contacts
Military-Connected Elem Contact:
Chasity Wages
(903) 876-2214
Military-Connected MS Contact:
Kim McGuffey
(903) 876-2215
Military-Connected HS Contact:
Chelsey Vinzant
(903) 876-3219
State Coordinator Military-Connected Students:
Abby Rodriguez, M.A.
Frankston ISD wants all military-connected families to feel support and appreciation for the service they provide the United States of America. We will do this through completing the below.
• All new military-connected students will be paired with a PALs (Peer Assistance Leadership) to provide support for students as well as accompany the new student to lunch the first week of school- or their first week of school.
• The counselor will introduce the student to the school environment and necessary processes. The counselor will give the military-connected student and family a campus tour. PALs and the campus counselor will work together to assist military-connected students with transitioning.
• The military-connected campus contact and the campus counselor will host a social event for all military-connected students to meet together at that campus to create camaraderie and encouragement at least one time per semester.
• Each campus will participate in Month of the Military Child by posting photographs of family members serving the country on the wall, with their name and rank listed beneath. Purple shirts will also be worn.
• Military-connected families will participate in the Veteran’s Day program.
• Each family with an active duty military member will be connected with the school liaison officer for support and encouragement. (Texas School Liaison Officer Contact List)
• The military-connected campus contact will provide professional development to staff at the beginning of each year.
• Resources for military-connected families will be available through the campus contact as well as listed below under Resources. Transition and relocation information is included.
• Enrollment for military-connected students is the same as enrollment for other students, with the exception of choosing the appropriate descriptor listed below under Definition/Identification of Military-Connected Students.
Definition/Identification of Military-Connected Students:
- Student in grade KG-12 is a dependent of an active duty member of the United States military
- Student in grade KG-12 is a dependent of an active duty member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard)
Student in grade KG-12 is a dependent member of a reserve force in the United States military - Student in grade KG-12 is a dependent of a former member of one of the following:
- The United States military
- The Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard)
- A reserve force in the United States military
- Student in grade KG-12 was a dependent of a member of a military or reserve force in the United States military who was killed in the line of duty
- Pre-kindergarten student is:
- a dependent of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is order to active duty by proper authority, or
- is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty.
- Note: A student remains eligible for enrollment if the child’s parent leaves the armed forces or is no longer on active duty after the child begins a prekindergarten class.

Documentation is required. Below are the different types of documentation that need to be turned in with enrollment paperwork.
- Documentation that a district employee verified the student’s US DoD photo identification for children of active duty service members. The documentation must include the printed name and signature of the person who verified the identification and the date that it was verified.
- If the student has not been issued such an ID, then documentation must be on file that a district employee verified the military member’s DoD photo identification, or other DoD-issued documentation indicating that the person is an active duty member of the military, and verified documentation showing that the student is a child of the military member. The documentation to be kept on file must include the printed name and signature of the person who verified the DoD and other documentation, the date that it was verified, and a photocopy of the documentation showing that the student is a child of the military member.
- Important: Your district should not make a copy of DoD identification.
- Important: Your district should not make a copy of DoD identification.
- A statement of service from the installation adjutant general director of human resources for children of active members, mobilized reservists, or members of the Texas National Guard. This office uses military personnel systems and documentation to verify that the service member is in fact on active duty in Texas or a Texas mobilized reservist. For Texas National Guard members (army or air guard), the Texas National Guard’s Office of the Adjutant General may provide documentation or an official letter from a commander (at or above the lieutenant colonel or, for the navy, at the commander level) confirming active or mobilized status, which is acceptable documentation.
- For children of service members who died or were killed, a copy of the death certificate using the service-appropriate DoD form or a DoD form that indicates death as the reason for the separation from service.
- If the DoD form is not available, the family can ask the casualty assistance office of the closest casualty area command in Texas to provide a memorandum signed by the casualty office stating that the service member was killed in action or died while serving.
- A copy of Purple Heart orders or citation for children of service members, mobilized reservists, or guardsmen who were wounded or injured in combat.
- A copy of the line of duty determination documentation for children of service members, mobilized reservists, or guardsmen who were injured while serving active duty but were not wounded or injured in combat.
- If this documentation is not available, a copy of an official letter from a commander (at or above the lieutenant colonel or, for the navy, at the commander level) that states that the service member was wounded or injured while on active duty is acceptable.
- A copy of a letter from the US Department of Veterans Affairs indicating that the service member has a service-connected disability and is eligible for disability compensation is also acceptable.
- Documentation that a service member is MIA for children of service members who are MIA.
Academic Planning:
Information about courses and advanced classes is available through the campus counselor. More information about academics is available through the Department of Defense Education Activity.
Affective Services:
Counseling sessions by campus counselors will occur with military-connected students for a minimum of twice per semester in the below grade-level groups:
K-2nd grades, 3rd- 5th grades, 6th- 8th grades, 9th-12th grades.
Elementary Counselor:
Chasity Wages
(903) 876-2214
MS/HS Counselor
Kim McGuffey
(903) 876-2215